Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Macbeth essay :: essays research papers

This essay earned a 89/100. it was a lot of work considering the lines from macbeth for textual support.Would you kill someone if it brought you power, and the ability to rule a country? Macbeth, one of the kings generals wanted the power. Macbeth does many things throughout till he ends up in a crazed mess in the end. He goes from a thoughtful person who knew right from wrong, to a courageous ruler whose arrogance got the best of him. Throughout the play, Macbeth proves himself of a tragic hero. To prove that he is a tragic hero, he shows a supreme pride, and capacity for suffering. He withal has a sense of commitment and vigorous protest, which eventually has an impact on him and other characters. Here are some facts that have been cited, to prove that he is a tragic hero.Macbeth shows a supreme pride, because he knows that Banquo is an obstacle in his sort of ruling. So, in order to maintain his place as king, he must kill him. Macbeth states that it is his duty to kill him, bu t not let anyone see his crime, for it go away all be over when Banquo is dead. The Prince of Cumberland That is step / On which I must fall down or else oer leap, / For in my way it lies. Stars haze over your fires / Let not light see my black and deep desires / The eye wink at the pay, yet let that be / Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see(Macbeth 1.4.48-53). Macbeth also shows a supreme pride when he is thinking about the proposal of Duncans murder. He thinks about how nothing bad can happen and he can only move forward as king. Macbeth thinks about his ambition and how it can lead to a downfall. I have no spur / To turd the sides of my intent, but only / Vaulting ambition which oer leaps itself / And falls on thother(1.7.25-25). Macbeths capacity for suffering also leads him to be a tragic hero. Before the murder of Duncan, Macbeth has a personal moment of truth and thinks about what he is going to do. He imagines the dagger in his hand and thinks about the nightmare s he will be invaded with. Macbeth is so obsessed with murder he begins seeing things, and must be quiet and not wake anyone, for he would give himself away.

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